Here is the output associated with this error:
| +- Init
| |
| | COM Init...
| | COM Init... OK
| | Are WMR9 present ?
| | Are WMR9 present : TESTING...
| |
| | +- Are WMR9 present : TESTING... FAILED !!
| | |
| | | Video Mixing Renderer (VMR9) capabilities are required
| | | This application requires the Video Mixing Renderer, which is present
| | | only on DirectX 9 systems with hardware video acceleration enabled.
| | |
| | | The Video Mixing Renderer (VMR9) is not enabled when viewing a
| | | remote Windows XP machine through a Remote Desktop session.
| | | You can run VMR-enabled applications only on your local machine.
| | |
| | | To verify that hardware acceleration is enabled on a Windows XP
| | | system, follow these steps:
| | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
| | | - Open 'Display Properties' in the Control Panel
| | | - Click the 'Settings' tab
| | | - Click on the 'Advanced' button at the bottom of the page
| | | - Click on the 'Troubleshooting' tab in the window that appears
| | | - Verify that the 'Hardware Acceleration' slider is at the rightmost position
| | |
| | +- Are WMR9 present : TESTING... FAILED !!
| |
| | Could not find VMR9
I'm looking into the status of VMR9 on wine, but initial searches haven't turned up much.