Hi, I’m Kortathre, here to give review and recommended advanced settings.
I’m on M1 Max MacBook Pro, Sonoma latest update since 02/2024
Enable these to get best performance.
Advanced settings for bottle
- metal (needed)
- msync (needed)
- high resolution (optional but not needed)
I rock with consistent 90-100 frames. When going and facing the ship I do drop frames down to about 30-45 until I get close though, still not a major issue compared to some other games. Other minor bugs such as when trying to open the steam overlay (Shift + Tab) sprint stays active, sometimes doing this also stops ESC from showing the menu. (To resolve, hit shift again to disable sprint, use computer on ship and back out to re enable esc menu)
Review: 5 star ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️