Mostly we code...sometimes we write. Every once in a while, we podcast.

You know what has me on edge a bit lately? All of these newfangled tech gadgets. It seems now that ANYTHING connected to the Internet is considered a useful device. How did we get to the point in the evolution of technology where we think a fitnesstracker…

It’s been almost two weeks since CodeWeavers released CrossOver 14 for Mac and Linux.  James Ramey, President of CodeWeavers reflects on the trials and tribulations of getting a new release of our CrossOver software out the door.…

To state that I am hooked on World of Tanks is an understatement.  Over the last year or so, I’ve logged nearly 6400 battles.  But unlike most everyone else in the game, I’m playing on a Mac computer (MacBook Pro - 2.7 GHz Intel…

Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to play a lot; I mean two – to – three hours a day, every day, since the end of March inside the tank simulation of World of Tanks (WoT). Over 2,500 battles– 1234 wins, 1234 losses, and 39 draws to be exact.…

I am now coming up on my two month anniversary of being named President of CodeWeavers.  It’s been an interesting five year journey to arrive at this ‘summit’ in my career.  Maybe ‘summit’ and ‘career’ are overly optimistic terms…

Seems like marketing has changed dramatically over the past few years.  The addition of social media has apparently leveled the playing field and changed the dynamics of marketing.  Listening to any of the many 'talking heads' (known as business…

It’s coming!  It’s coming!  On May 15th, the world (as we know it) will change forever with the release of Diablo III (otherwise known as the second coming – or third coming, really,).  Gamers tremble at the mere thought of taking on…

As Interim CEO, I’ve been told that it’s my responsibility to write a blog post for our customers.  I’m not entirely sure that the Actual CEO ever blogged.  The only discussion I remember about blogs was the marketing department repeatedly…

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