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Employee Spotlight — Sergio Andrés Gómez Del Real

He saw snow for the first time when he visited Minnesota in March of 2018, he has a bachelor degree in mathematics and once dreamed of becoming a professional footballer (what we here in the states call soccer). Although he loves dogs (he has two Labradors), a test once told him that his spirit animal is an owl. Surprisingly, when asked if he would rather go to a tropic island or the Arctic, he chose the Arctic. His favorite philosopher is Immanuel Kant and on his to-do list is becoming a vegetarian. Introducing our only developer from Colombia —  Sergio Andrés Gómez Del Real.

Name: Sergio Andrés Gómez Del Real

Birthplace: Barranquilla, Colombia

Currently Lives: Barranquilla, Colombia

In his own words: I studied mathematics and philosophy at the University. I always dreamed of becoming a professional footballer (soccer in the US), but things didn't turn out as I planned. In my free time I enjoy reading the great works of philosophy, both historical and contemporary. I got into programming almost by accident, and at a relatively late age, but fell in love almost instantly. I wrote a Game Boy emulator called RealBoy ( which was a great experience to be able to fully understand the special intricacies of low-level programming. I then did virtually no programming for some years while pursuing my mathematics degree, until I met the opportunity to work at CodeWeavers. It has been a unique experience, where without a doubt I've met the best developers and technically capable people. Finally, I'm all in for all kinds of manifestations in favor of the socially weak, oppressed and marginalized individual or group of individuals, including (but not limited to) some forms of feminism and animalism.

If you could choose your age forever what would you choose?
10, maybe?

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, what would it be?

What are three countries you would like to visit?
North Korea (yes, North), Cuba and a Nordic country

If you had to be allergic to something, what would it be?

What's the closest thing to real magic?
(Self) Consciousness and, more generally, subjective experience or qualia.

What would you do if you found a penguin in the freezer?
Start petting it.

If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for?
Petting dogs.

What is the most annoying question that people ask you?
So you studied mathematics to become a teacher?

What is something you will NEVER do again?
Go on a blind date.

About Jana Schmid
Jana has been working in the marketing profession for over 15 years. She joined the CodeWeavers marketing department in 2010 and has earned oddities such as the Margaritaville Tahiti Frozen Concoction Maker and a lifetime supply of sparkling water for her performance as Marketing Director. Contact Jana at and learn more about her professional accomplishments on LinkedIn.

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