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CrossOver 14 for OS X 10.6.8 ????

Hi, downloaded CO 14 and wanted to update my latest Version on 10.6.8. It does not work, because its for 10.7.

Is there any Download for 10.6.8. anywhere? My supportextension ends next year and when there ist noch support anymore, i have to stop it then, because i can not work anymore with it.

Is there any possibility for or chance to get a working version 14 for OS X 10.6.8.?

Ulrich Albert wrote:

Hi, downloaded CO 14 and wanted to update my latest Version on
10.6.8. It does not work, because its for 10.7.

Is there any Download for 10.6.8. anywhere? My supportextension ends
next year and when there ist noch support anymore, i have to stop it
then, because i can not work anymore with it.

Is there any possibility for or chance to get a working version 14
for OS X 10.6.8.?

Unfortunately, due to changes we were required to make to be compatible with Yosemite, we could no longer offer support for Snow Leopard.

Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.

Could you be more specific as to what Yosemite requires that breaks Snow Leopard? Do the Apple tools (XCode) environments intentionally break Snow Leopard when creating a project for Yosemite? Are you using Apple tools to develop Crossover (of course you are..., I strongly believe).

I just wonder why developers are dropping support for Snow Leopard. There is a large number of users that have remained on Mac OS v10.6.8, mainly because of it's support for expensive, legacy applications. Moreover, in my opinion, Snow Leopard was, and is the best implementation of Mac OS. Yes, Gatekeeper and some other new technologies have been added to later versions of Mac OS, but the core UNIX functionality embodied in Snow Leopard along with Rosetta makes it Apple's Windows XP...

I have developed applications for Apple platforms since 1977, and don't understand today's race away from vetted operating systems. Thus, I'd really like to know why you had to drop Snow Leopard support with version 14?

I created a test project in Xcode that runs on Mac OS 10.5 - 10.10, and it's not just a UNIX command line script. It works.

By the way, if Adobe can do it (see:, Version XI (11.0.09) System requirements Mac OS (Intel) 10.5.8 - 10.10), you guys, who are tackling a much more challenging problem (emulation), should certainly have been able to continue support for Snow Leopard.

It seems to me that the only reasonable "reason" would be something like, "We could not implement feature 'X', an absolutely essential feature to our new and improved Crossover 14!"

In any case, I expected better from your organization.

I am not certain it would be impossible for us to continue supporting 10.6.8, but it would not be easy. It is something we were not able to justify given the number of customers we believe we have who still use that OS version. I know that you are not alone in preferring 10.6.8 to newer versions of the OS - I myself dislike many of the "features" of the Apple's newer OS versions, and certainly other of our own developers here feel even more strongly than I do. Unfortunately Apple's releases are out of our control, and between several new features of their newer OS's and high market penetration of those versions, it makes most sense for us to drop 10.6.8.

Code signing is one feature which has changed: in order to deploy to 10.9.5 and beyond, we need to codesign on a build machine running 10.9 or later. Building against a 10.6 sdk on a newer build machine might be possible, but it is difficult. Alternatively, we could continue building on our old 10.6 build server and code sign as a separate step, but that would complicate our build process and also tie us to an aging build server.

Apple has introduced certain new features in the tools which are actually desirable. Auto-layout of gui elements is one such feature: at some point in the future this should allow us to simplify translating our OS X gui, but it is not available on 10.6.

Ultimately, the OS X ecosystem seems to focus on moving to new OS versions frequently, sometimes at a cost to backwards compatibility. We try to cover a wide span of OS versions in terms of where CrossOver will run, but we just can't get to all of them.

Gregg, you're right. They're tackling a more challenging problem with a way smaller budget and team than Adobe. Also you want them to support an OS that the manufacturer themselves no longer seem to support.

Maybe shake your fists at Apple?

I am shaking my fist at Apple! I understand the issues with software development, having run a large organization that used 3rd party tools as well as Apple's, Microsoft's etc. I personally have several projects that all run on 10.5 to 10.10. This is not hard to accomplish. Code signing is relatively simple, and Apple actually provides the tools and instructions to support signing app bundles linked from other development environments.

It upsets me that decisions are made based on perception rather than facts (not many people still using 10.6.8). Wall Street can't drive your business, just like it can't drive your customer's requirement of a quality product that lasts more than a year. Remember, customers are the ultimate goal, not earnings for shareholders. Apple and other US corporations need to learn that lesson from another friend of mine, Dr. Amar Bose, who intentionally kept his company private to insulate his staff from the illogical motives of financial analysts that know nothing about your business, and even less about being successful over the long term.

Apple's recent OS releases are a mess! The number of significant defects (I did not say bugs) is increasing, mainly because they don't have time to allow maturity via actual deployment. Apple has adopted the Bill Gates philosophy of we may not ship a perfect product, but we will ship first, and grab that market share. That works for a while, but look at Microsoft today, after both Gates' and Balmer's missteps, i.e., Windows ME, Windows Vista, now Windows 8. Microsoft has missed significant opportunities in 8 out of the last 14 years based on the mentality now being employed at Apple.

I knew Steve Jobs personally for well over 20 years. He would be taking significant action after the slack roll-out of Mavericks, and the recent defective iOS 8.x right out of the box launch!

Testing modern operating systems and application is complicated, and a limited beta group cannot sort out the possible defects in an OS that's deployed to millions over a period of several short months.

Don't get me wrong, I am a strong advocate for Mac OS on UNIX. In fact, I was the one that initially approached Jobs while still at NeXT, asking him to consider a port that would run on Motorola architecture, in a Mac. After his return to Apple, I let him know how important it was to the enterprise that Macs get an OS with real security, and built in management capabilities. Yes, that was the beginning of the UNIX - Mach kernel on Macs, and the end of Motorola processors, for reasons that shall remain private.

In conclusion, to quote an overused cliche, be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water. The problem here is there was no bad (mature legacy OS's like 10.6.8), as the good is the UNIX - Mach underpinning of Mac OS, while the bad is becoming the further closing of Apple's source and forsaking almost all backwards compatibility for the modern OS.

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