I'll type the apology first, because I know I've seen a post somewhere about this with a detailed answer, but I forgot to bookmark it and now can't find it again.
This is regarding the graphics settings for a bottle, found under right clicking a bottle and accessing the settings sub-menu.
What are, and when should I use, the following:
Performance Enhanced Graphics
DXVK Vulkan backend for D3D11 (builtin)
Performance Enhanced Synchronization (ESync)
I'm running an early 2008 iMac, 4Gb, Intel Core 2 Duo E8435 @ 2.06GHz x 2, with an nVidia graphics card (NV92)
I occasionally run El Capitan with Crossover 19, or Catalina (even more rarely due to speed) with Crossover 21, but most of the time I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 using X11 (Wayland is far from being stable on my machine in it's current incarnation).
Most of the games I install and run I have to untick the Performance Enhanced Graphics otherwise the graphics flash, freeze or just give me a black screen and lock my computer up. So I'm wondering whether there is any benefit in selecting any of the options, and when it would be best to do so.