As the title states, extremely strange...
CrossOver 8.0.0
OpenSuSE 11.2
KDE 4.3.1
What do you need to replicate:
- Any non-empty pdf file.
- OpenOffice Calc.
- Microsoft Excel 2007 running under cxoffice.
TEST #1:
- Open the pdf with Okular.
- Select a rectangular area from it with the selection tool (less than 250x250 pixels).
- Copy image to clipboard.
- Paste in Excel.
RESULT: Normal functionality, as it should be.
TEST #2:
- Open the pdf with Okular.
- Select a rectangular area from it with the selection tool (more than 400x400 pixels).
- Copy image to clipboard.
- Paste in Excel.
RESULT: ERROR ("Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data").
TEST #3:
- Open the pdf with Okular.
- Select a rectangular area from it with the selection tool (more than 400x400 pixels).
- Copy image to clipboard.
- Paste in OpenOffice Calc.
- Copy the pasted image in OpenOffice Calc.
- Paste in Excel.
RESULT: Normal functionality, as it should be.
All of the above happens regardless of whether Klipper is running or not; in all cases the copied data shows correctly in Klipper if it's running.
QUESTION: What the hell? LoL :D
Seriously, any ideas?
Thanks in advance.