Currently I am running Ubuntu 13.10 64b. Before that Mint (don't ask why I switched). Before Mint, Ubuntu. while I had toyed with various Linux distros as toys, it wasn't until 8 years ago that I started using Linux (Ubuntu initially) seriously. Now I loathe using the computers at the office as they have Windows 7, which while arguably the best Windows OS to day, its still a mess. Still, Ubuntu and its derivatives aren't perfect. Increasingly I feel as if I'm working a black box system with poor documentation.
Last fall I tried some others, Debian first. Unfortunately, its documentation isn't much better, which I would need if I am to move to a less out-of-the-box distro. I tried Arch in a VM, but decided I'll have to wait a while before taking that beast on. I've had both CentOS and OpenSUSE recommended to me, but I want some more opinions. In particular, how much effort will I have to go to in order to get my Windows games to run in CrossOver Linux. Currently it isn't too bad, however I've run into a few weird bugs that I can't seem to work around.
I have the week off and am hoping to use this time to get a new Distro up and running in that time.
tl;dr: I've been an Ubuntu/Mint n00b for 8 years now and am getting tired on the increasinly "black box" feel. I want a new distro with decent documentation, but not all the head ache of Arch. Additionally I want to make sure I can Wine my games in it. CentOS and OpenSUSE have been suggested already, please comment on these suggestions and make others.
[edit] To clear up some things after reading the first reply:
I don't feel that Arch is going to be troublesome to maintain, but rather to set up. With that in mind, I would suspect that Antergos would be a good Distro to try as the hardest part should be taken care of (or so I hopel i certainly will see).
Also, I'm worried about in respects to CX is getting all the drivers and what not to make things run.