Hello CodeWeavers Team,
I am looking to drop Boot Camp in favor of your product for a number of reasons (discontinued Boot Camp support, Dual booting, Windows issues, etc) and I have a few questions before I go messing around with the setup I have.
I am running Windows mostly for the gaming environment and some web page compatability testing. At the moment the only 2 games I play are Dawn of War by Relic and Team Fortress 2, which is what has brought me to this solution (nice YouTube marketing). I've read up on some of the issues (the font issue seems minimal and can be remedied) and I feel I am sufficiently technically saavy enough to perform the work arounds listed.
What I am concerned about is the actual installation process as I purchased Team Fortress 2 already using Steam. How will I go about reinstalling the program into the CrossOver environment?
Your work and advice is much appreciated and I am telling all of my Mac gaming friends about this exciting project as we are all looking to start playing TF2 in the coming weeks. Thanks again!