Here we are with three screenshots from a Black Talon Flashpoint, running on a iMac 20", mid 2007; 2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB 667MHz DDR2 ram, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB, OSx Lion 10.7.3
What is not working:
loading screen are WAAAY to long.
I was kicked off a Flashpoint because of lag. -
after the loading screen goes off and you see your toon and the area you're in, it takes more minutes to have a smooth game play.
I don't know wether this is due to my old Mac, or to the unsupported status of CrossOver version used to play SWTOR.
Anyway, there's this problem -
The more you play, the more these issues get worse. It looks like there's some huge memory leak somewhere in the Bottle.
sometimes the game freezes for 1 second. (minor issue - totally ignorable)
The game stuck when I tried to play in Dromund Kass. Couldn't have the quest cinematic up, from the first quest in the data pad registration.