I'm having several problems getting the Half-Life 2 demo to work on a new MacBook Pro running Crossover 6.1.0:
- When I install Steam in Win2000 (as is recommended) the default panel is blank (in Win98, an IE install fixes this) even with the Wine HTML components. Installing IE in the Win2000 bottle causes script errors.
But, I am able to copy the HL2 files over from a download in a Win98 bottle. It still doesn't run, though:
- Using "-console -heapsize 512000 -dxlevel 70 -width 1024 -height 769 -novid +cl_drawmonitors 0 +r_shadowrendertotexture 0" launch properties (I've tried various combinations ... I'm starting to think the console is what helps) I can start a new game and see a talking head, but the game exits shortly after that.
Hiding the dock seems to have had no effect.