So here's my problem.
There's alot of camera glitches and complaints being tossed around
about GW2's camera, and I sorted through every forum post and video
I could before deciding my glitch was unique or at least rare. In
game, (and no where else), my camera has an X-axis limitation. Just
like you can't move the camera up or down indefinitely, (hitting a
kind of north and south pole on your character) I can't move the
camera left or right more that about 90 degrees. Changing the
camera rotation speed can increase or decrease my degree of freedom,
but not to the point where the game is playable.
Running Mountain Lion 10.8.1 on a new 2012 Macbook Pro, and yes I'm
using the GW2-specific version of Crossover. I experienced this
exact same glitch when I tried using PlayonMac. I don't see this
glitch being addressed at all anywhere else on the interwebz, and
I'm worried it's just some rogue setting in my computer that will
still be there even when Crossover starts supporting GW2. If anyone
else has had a similar problem, please post about it. Everything
else about GW2 works wonderfully on the Mac but this one camera
glitch makes it entirely unplayable.
This is an issue for EVERYONE running GW2 in Crossover.
Originally mouse camera movement didn't work at all. The Crossover team was nice enough to very speedily put together a build that enabled camera control, but as you say it is restricted control.
What is happening is that the computer sort of assumes that your mouse keeps moving even after you've right clicked. As you know, mouse pointers can't go past the edge of the screen. So when you right click and drag to move the camera your mouse eventually "hits" the edge and thus you can no longer move it (same goes for up and down). (Obviously when you let go of right click the mouse is still in the same place, so it's just that the computer perceives it hitting the edge, not that it actually does).
Pretty sure that the Crossover guys are working on fixing this (I think it was said that this is a priority, can't recall where though).
At the moment I suggest you try and keep your mouse in the centre of the screen as this will give you even movement capabilities for all sides.
OR. If you know that, for example, you are going to be moving the camera right quite a lot then start your right click/hold from the left hand side of the screen, it should let you rotate it about 360 degrees depending on your sensitivity (it just wont let you rotate in this opposite direction).