Yesterday after patching DDO to the newest rev I started experiencing increased crashes, similar to what others were reporting - random occasional crashes + >50% crashes during instance switching. I had been running CXG 8.0 until about a week ago, and hadn't had any issues, other than the minor well-known quirks, but then had upgraded to 8.1.4, which seemed to work alright for the last few times I've played DDO.
Tonight after the newest DDO patch + 8.1.4 the game was occasionally crashing within game, and often during instance switching. I attempted a upgrade to 8.2 unsupported since I didn't have much to lose, which completely thrashed DDO (the "This probably will kill your CXG install" disclaimer was true :^)). After playing with it for a bit longer and attempting various downgrades/upgrades and setting combos, I decided to see if 8.0 was still solid.
I deleted all my bottles and CXG, then downloaded CXG 8.0 and reinstalled. The basic process:
- Install CXG 8.0
- Create a WinXP Bottle for DDO
- Set the display settings within the bottle for a stable windowed-mode DDO experience.
- Install DDO to the bottle.
- Install PyLORTO
- Configure PyLORTO for the bottle using the setup wizard.
- Patch DDO from PyLORTO (did not have to copy in the patchclient.dll this time)
- Run DDO.
Since the reinstall I've ran two instances, and half of a third (the one I was playing on my PC while waiting for the patch to complete :^)), been in-game for at least 1.5 hours and entered exited several buildings numerous times without a single crash. I also exited the game twice and re-launched since start-up stability was a issue, and it worked fine both times. It seems to be rock solid again on my machine. I'll report back tomorrow or the next day as to whether it is still running well.
My current machine/install stats:
Macbook Pro Unibody w/ Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Crossover Games 8.0
DDO installed from a rar downloaded off the web a few weeks back.