Sorry for taking so long to reply.
Find the output from /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxdiag on my system below.
My specs are:
Kubuntu 13.10 64Bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770T
GeForce GTX 460
Let me know if I can tell you anything else.
I'll try the "<ALT>-<TAB>" workaround after posting this. would be useless in a fight-situation, but would at least be of some help.
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications use the GSM codec for audio compression and decompression."
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="This may be needed for Windows applications to automatically detect CD-ROM and USB key insertion."
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="This is needed by some applications that need to manipulate TIFF images in their user interface."
"opengl.vendor"="NVIDIA Corporation"
"opengl.version"="4.3.0 NVIDIA 319.60"
"opengl.renderer"="GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2"