I'm really interested in Crossover Games for running Civ IV on my Mac Pro.
So far, it seems to be going pretty good. I've only played it a tiny bit but it looks to run really well. The movies play and leaderheads show.
I did notice that the global view doesn't seem to work too well. It looks like some kind of transparency isn't working. However, if I change the global view detail down to medium, it works fine.
One thing I noticed is that when I scroll the map with the cursor keys, there is tearing on the screen, like vsync isn't enabled. Is there a way I can turn vsync on? Performance doesn't seem to be an issue since clicking around the map happens very snappily.
I'm interested in knowing any other known issues before I go ahead and buy Crossover Games. Since Civ 4 is considered supported, I suppose it'll continue to work and perhaps get better?