Hi Everyone,
I am trying to create a form for my organization travels, staff needs to fill a form which it will go attached to an email and all the information filled in would appear in the email body. I have managed all that; however, if they leave any input field blank the word "null" appears in the email body. Allso, if all the values in the var cFirst are null, I would like it to be hidden in the body's email.
I do not know much about Java and I have tried and looked for days on how to solve this problem without any luck.
I would be very gratefull any help that I could get to achive it and I am really sorry for the long message, but I am desperate.
thank you very much in advance
var cCCAddr = "xxxx@CCC.org; Occc@CCC.org";
var cSubLine = "Home leave request - " + Name.rawValue + ", " + country.rawValue + ", " + City.rawValue + " - " + cdsub.rawValue;
var cFirst = "First: " + Name1.rawValue + Relationship1.rawValue + "; " + "from: " + Start_Date1.rawValue + " - " + "To: " + End_Date1.rawValue + "; " + "No days:" + TotalDays1.rawValue + " \n";
var cSecond = "Second: " + Name2.rawValue + Relationship2.rawValue + "; " + "from: " + Start_Date2.rawValue + " - " + "To: " + End_Date2.rawValue + "; " + "No days:" + TotalDays2.rawValue + " \n";
var cThird = "Third: " + Name3.rawValue + Relationship3.rawValue + "; " + "from: " + Start_Date3.rawValue + " - " + "To: " + End_Date3.rawValue + "; " + "No days:" + TotalDays3.rawValue + " \n";
var cFourth = "Forth: " + Name4.rawValue + Relationship4.rawValue + "; " + "from: " + Start_Date4.rawValue + " - " + "To: " + End_Date4.rawValue + "; " + "No days:" + TotalDays4.rawValue + " \n";
var cFifth = "Fifth: " + Name5.rawValue + Relationship5.rawValue + " ; " + "from: " + Start_Date5.rawValue + " - " + "To: " + End_Date5.rawValue + "; " + "No days:" + TotalDays5.rawValue + " \n";
var cBody = "Dear Mrs O'Neil,\n" + " \n"
- "Please find attached my home leave request for your consideration and approval. \n" + " \n"
- "Destination: " + country.rawValue + ", " + City.rawValue + " \n" + " \n"
- "Traveller(s) and date(s): "
- Name.rawValue + " (Staff ); " + "from: " + Start_Date.rawValue + " - " + "To: " + End_Date.rawValue + "; " + "Number of days: " + TotalDays.rawValue + " \n" + " \n";
var cBody2 = "\n" + "\n" + "The budget line is as follows: " + WBS.rawValue + "\n" + "\n" - "Lump Sum : " + Yes.rawValue + "\n" + " \n"
- "Comments: " + Comments.rawValue + "\n" + "\n"
- "Kind regards,\n" + "\n"
- Name.rawValue;
var cEmailURL = "mailto:rrrr.org?cc=" + cCCAddr + "&subject=" + cSubLine + "&body=" + cBody + cFirst + cSecond + cThird + cFourth + cFifth + cBody
cURL: cEmailURL,
Dear Mrs CCC
Please find attached my home leave request for your consideration and approval.
Destination: Algeria, London
Traveller(s) and date(s): James doe (Staff ); from: 2014-08-06 - To: 2014-08-14; Number of days: 9
First: nullnull; from: null - To: null; No days:null
Second: nullnull; from: null - To: null; No days:null
Third: nullnull; from: null - To:null; No days:null
Forth: nullnull; from: null - To:null; No days:null
Fifth:nullnull ; from: null - To:null; No days:null
The budget line is as follows: GF/2014-07-01-03 - 1000CDY03
Lump Sum : Yes, Iwould like to avail myself of the lump sum option
Comments: None
Kind regards,
James doe
Traveller(s) and date(s): James doe (Staff ); from: 2014-08-06 - To: 2014-08-14; Number of days: 9
First: nullnull; from: null - To: null; No days:null
Second: nullnull; from: null - To: null; No days:null
Third: nullnull; from: null - To:null; No days:null
Forth: nullnull; from: null - To:null; No days: n/a (if any value null)
Fifth:nullnull ; from: null - To:null; No days:null - if all null = hidden
The budget line is as follows: GF/2014-07-01-03 - 1000CDY03
Lump Sum : Yes, I would like to avail myself of the lump sum option
Comments: None
Kind regards,
James doe