With the most recent Steam upgrade, a lot of people are reporting crashes
in games like TF2 and CSS.
This is very important; we've had 4 or 5 people digging into it, and we're
trying to get a fix as quickly as we can. We've only really been aware of
it today, so please bear with us as we work through the issue.
One thing to try is lowering texture detail - some folks report that solves it.
We have found the cause of one bug - there was a change in Steam that triggered a bug in Wine.
We have a potential fix for that issue. Unfortunately, our testing
shows yet another failure beyond that (sometimes; these problems
are maddening, they only happen on a fraction of boxes, and they
are hard to pin down as to the common thread).
But, we do have an experimental patch that we think fixes one issue.
It is extremely experimental. It's not even committed
to Wine yet; we're waiting on more feedback.
However, I wanted to push it out for very brave folks that were desperate
for something to try. But please - if you can wait - please do. We'll put
out a proper hot fix, hopefully early next week, that we've tested and
we think will work just fine.
If you do want to try this experimental file, pick one of the following:
******* ONLY FOR CROSSOVER GAMES 7.2.1 **************
******* ONLY FOR VERY BRAVE PEOPLE **************
For Mac users:
Make sure CrossOver Games is not running
Download the experimental Wine server: -
Right-click (or Control-click) on CrossOver, select Show Package Contents.
Navigate to Contents/SharedSupport/CrossOverGames/bin. Rename the wineserver that's there to wineserver.bak. -
Leave that Finder window open, and go to where you download the wineserver.tar.
Double click on it, and drag the new wineserver file in there to the
open Finder window (that should be at Contents/SharedSupport/CrossOverGames/bin). -
If something goes wrong, rename the wineserver.bak overtop of the new wineserver, or
reinstall CrossOver Games to get back to 'normal'.
For Linux users:
Make sure crossover games is not running (reset crossover)
Download this file: -
Go to your cxgames binary directory; it will be one of these:
/opt/cxgames/bin (root install, or install of .deb/.rpm) ~/cxgames/bin (loki installer)
Rename the wineserver:
mv wineserver wineserver.bak -
Put in place the new wineserver
mv <where-your-download-the-wineserver> wineserver
Move the old one back, or reinstall, to reverse those effects
Again, we don't think this is a perfect solution. But we'd
be very interested in hearing any feedback on how it works.
p.s. This is urgent to us, and we're working as hard as we can.